presentations & speaking engagements

For almost 30 years, I have traveled the world educating folks on a host of topics and in various formats. I enjoy engaging attendees while creating a safe environment so no question feels off-base. I keep the material stimulating (yes, even estate tax can be interesting!) and bring humor to every talk I give. I've done keynote addresses and served as panelist or moderator for countless presentations, seminars, webinars, symposia and workshops. It's of course ever more critical to come together now and inform ourselves about what comes next. Scroll down for some past speaking engagements to see specific examples, but here are 10 general ways you or your organization can make use of me:

1. LGBTQ+ legal issues:

This is the OG talk, updated for Trumpocalypse 2.0. We cover the basics of what LGBTQ+ individuals and couples need to know in order to protect ourselves and those we love, and explore what's likely on the chopping block in the coming administration. We learn about estate planning, prenups and postnups, divorce, why parental rights should be buttoned up with a court order, elder issues and more. We can also cover topics related to my book, Before I Do: A Legal Guide to Marriage, Gay & Otherwise, including pros and cons of marriage and what rights getting hitched brings -- and doesn't bring – along with updates on any efforts to undermine the freedom to marry.

2. Family formation basics:

A great talk for hopeful parents, lawyers and medical practices about adoption, insemination & surrogacy. Florida has good, clear law in these areas but it's always evolving, especially in a hostile political climate, so updating our knowledge base is essential to ensure parental rights are intact. We learn about the various types of adoption and how their processes play out in real life. We also explore why it's strongly recommended to confirm those rights through the courts versus relying solely on a birth certificate, even when both intended parents are already listed.

3. LGBTQ+ workplace issues:

The importance of cultural competency in attracting and retaining talent can't be understated. Whether your corporation or organization wants some trans[note] 101 (see note below), seeks to lean into some ways to make the culture more about authentic belonging and not simply diversity, or has another topic in mind specific to the queer lived experience, reach out and let's discuss if I can help or direct you to someone else who can.

4. Emceeing your event, Q & A or town hall:

I keep the event flowing in a vibey way while making sure we stay on time and on topic. I can assist with your org's ask, always trying to put the fun in fundraising. I'm also happy to moderate a Q & A after a film or performance, keeping a focus on the talent and eliciting deeper tidbits than the usual pabulum you hear.

5. LGBTQ+ legal updates:

Whether it's the latest from the Trumpanzees, SCOTUS or Florida courts, I'm always obsessing on what it all means for LGBTQ+ people. Whether it's discrimination, gender affirming care, parental rights, marriage equality, religious freedom, bodily autonomy, or the inextricable linking of all the above, I can make the information accessible. I can't promise to make it funny, given the current political climate, but I promise to do my level best to at least make the medicine go down with a spoonful of sugar.

6. Estate planning and probate basics:

Creating generational wealth typically takes some effort and forethought. I love educating diverse communities about the importance of having a plan in place for what happens at our incapacity or death. Bring me to your synagogue, church, mosque, community center, or wherever else and we'll have a generative conversation about what folks might want to have in place and how to make your wishes manifest.

7. Leaving a Legacy:

Charitable giving is one of the most critical and functions estate planning can serve. We all leave some sort of legacy; our work is to sort out what our values are and how we operationalize them to manifest that legacy. I'm co-chair of the Stonewall Legacy Project, which works to educate advisors (estate planning lawyers, CPAs, financial advisors) who work with LGBTQ+ clients to ensure the advisors educate those clients to consider funding the important work to be done by our LGBTQ+ nonprofits at the international, national, statewide and local levels at their deaths in their estate plans. I also serve on the board of the Foundation of Jewish Philanthropies, which similarly works with advisors and donors to elevate legacy giving. So bring me to your organization to talk about how and why folks might think about their legacy planning.

8. CLEs:

Lawyers are seemingly always in need of Continuing Legal Education credits. I'm an approved provider by the Florida Bar so I can turn most of the topics listed above into CLEs, especially those coveted ethics hours. I'm thrilled to have earned this provider approval, so make good use of it!

9. Judicial Trainings:

Esteemed judges don't always love learning from lawyers but sometimes it's got to be done, especially when the topics are so specialized, such as handling adoption and surrogacy matters or serving trans[note] litigants in the courtroom. I keep it relatively neutral so members of the bench can get comfortable with unfamiliar topics in a welcoming environment.

10. Intersection of LGBTQ+ & Judaism:

Last but certainly not least, let's tawk about how we approach the ever-so-complicated worlds of being Jewish, being a queer person or parent of an LGBTQ+ person, and living our authentic Torah. I also can lead conversations about how Israel treats LGBTQ+ individuals and families living there. It can be a murky space but let's kibbitz and navigate it together. It couldn't be a more important moment to sit face-to-face and surface the tough stuff.

Interested in bringing me to speak in your community? Email me at or call me at 305.674.9222.



It’s no secret transgender and nonbinary individuals are under unprecedented attack, especially when they are of color. I am a cisgender white woman. I can assist with LGBTQ+ cultural competency and help your organization understand some basics but I’ve not lived the trans/nonbinary experience so it's not my story to tell. Representation is everything and if you want to truly understand what this community is about, please let me connect you to someone who can speak personally to this lived experience. I also try mightily not to serve on a panel that is only white people. It's a small world and I enjoy being quite connected to many in this space. It's not a bother for me to make an introduction to someone who is the right fit, whether it's a speaker who is trans/nonbinary or non-white.


A list of selected presentations, interviews and speaking engagements by Elizabeth:

Age Your Way: Understanding and Planning for Legal Choices

The first workshop in a series titled Age Your Way: Candid Conversations for LGBTQ Adults

[ MyElderSource and SAGE - May 24, 2022 ]

Navigating the Legal & Healthcare Systems while Transitioning

In collaboration with the NGLCC TGNC Task Force, Punch Card Films presents a moderated webinar in support of the feature documentary, "A Trans Story." Elizabeth was one of the panel members, and topics include name and gender marker changes, employment record modifications, the intricacies of health insurance, and trans family rights.

[ Vimeo - August 11, 2021 ]

"Legal Essentials: Planning Around Uncertainty"

Part of the SAVE Speakers Series

[ - April 24, 2020]

"American Optimism: Finding Our Way In Troubled Times"

Part of the Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival

[via CSPAN - March 29, 2019]

Live web chat from WLRN Radio 93.1FM and the Miami Herald.

[ - June 27, 2013]